Themes and Ringtones How to Add Themes How to Add Vendor Locked Themes How to Add Today Themes to the 8703e with 4.2.1 How to Convert Ringtones Where Can I Download Ringtones?
Archive | Audio and Video
Where Can I Download Ringtones?
All these sites can be accessed from your BlackBerry: (link working 04-15-2008) (link working 04-15-2008) (link working 04-15-2008) (link NOT working 04-15-2008) (link working 04-15-2008) (link working 04-15-2008) (link working 04-15-2008) (link working 04-15-2008) (link working 04-15-2008) (link working 05-18-2008) (link working 08/20/2008)
How to Add Today Themes to the 8703e with 4.2.1
By default, Handheld software 4.2.1 for the 8703e does not include Dimension Today. This means that any custom Today style themes will not function on an 8703e running 4.2.1. The following guide will allow you to add Dimension Today to your device. Requirements Windows based PC Desktop Manager (latest version prefered) 8703e 4.2.1 BlackBerry Handheld […]
How to Convert Ringtones
Ring Tone Conversion Method 1 MP3 ringtones If you do not have a webserver but need to convert and download your favorite mp3 files to ringtones you can take a look to the BlackBerry Ringtone Generator. By selecting the fragment of your mp3 file you can take influence on the size of the resulting mp3 […]
How can I personalize my alerts from specific contacts?
This feature has been added to OS 5.0, if you running an older OS see the below work around. 1. Go to your profiles icon on your BlackBerry. 2. Scroll down to where it says “Set Contact Alerts” 3. Choose “Add Contact Alert”. 4. Hit the menu key and choose “Add name”. 5. Select the […]
Additional WAV, MP3, and MIDI file support
To get your WAV, MP3 or MIDI attachments played by your BB you’ll need MasterDoc by Dynoplex. It supports full circle of operations with media files: playing them, saving to BB internal memory or SD, sending as attachments. Please note: to get this functionality your device OS should be 4.2 (to check it go to: […]
What kind of ringtones/audio can my Blackberry have?
The supported audio formats on BlackBerry devices are the following: Additional Information AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) – The supported formats include MPEG2 and MPEG4, as well as HE-AAC / AAC+. The supported sample rates are 8 KBps, 11.025 KBps, 12 KBps, 16 KBps, 22.05 KBps, 32 KBps, 44.1 KBps and 48 KBps. The supported channels […]
Camera – How do I turn off the clicking shutter sound?
There is not an option or setting on the BB to turn off the shutter sounds you hear when you take a picture. However there are three workarounds to silence the shutter sounds: Dial a phone number and, while in the call, your camera will not emit shutter sounds. Plug in wired headphones before taking […]
Increase amount of rings before voicemail
You may simply need to adjust the number of rings (or beeps) as per this instruction: How do I edit my notification tones (profiles)? If however, you do need additional ring time before voicemail: A) The simplest method is to call your carrier and request a longer ring time, up to 30 seconds. B) If […]
Wallpaper sizes for BlackBerrys
To create wallpaper for your BlackBerry, follow these pixel dimensions for “pixel-perfect” fits. 72xx series- 240 x 160 71xx series- 240 x 260 The O2 theme visible image size is 240 x 185 with 75 pixels covered by the info bar. Scale your image to 240 x 185 with a canvas size of 240 x […]

How do I get ringtones on my BlackBerry?
For All Models 71xx, 72xx and 87xx whose OS is version 4.1 and below By visiting a website from your BlackBerry browser where the ringtone is located, and downloading it from there. Upon clicking on the ringtone file, your BlackBerry should download it and the audio player should open. Click to save. If there is […]

How do I edit my notification tones (profiles)?
Want to change the tone you hear when you get an SMS, MMS, or IM? Want to change the ringer for the phone? Follow these directions to edit the Profiles area on the device: 1. Select the Profiles icon 2. A box will appear where you can quick select between Loud, Vibrate, Quiet, Normal, Phone Only, and […]