Blackberry Enterprise Server has 3 Implementation Schemes:
- Blackberry Enterprise Server for Microsoft Exchange
- Blackberry Enterprise Server for Lotus/IBM Notes
- Blackberry Enterprise Server for Novell Groupwise
Each of these products require different procedures in order to properly configure them.
Blackberry Enterprise Server for Microsoft Exchange Prerequisites:
- Microsoft Active Directory Environment (with DNS working correctly)
- Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5/2000/2003
- SQL Server (Not required, but better in larger deployments. BES includes the MSDE 2000)
- Do not install BES on an Active Directory Domain Controller. The BES service account requires local administrator access to the computer it is running on and because Domain Controllers do not have local groups, when the BesAdmin account is given the “Send As” permission, permissions are revoked because of membership in protected groups. See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 912918[1].
- Do not install BES on an Exchange Server. Microsoft Exchange requires a lot of power and it’s best to separate it from your BES.
- Avoid installing BES on a Microsoft Small Business Server 200x server. There are many complications because SBS is both a Domain Controller and an Exchange Server (even a SQL server in some cases).
- FOLLOW THE INSTALLATION DIRECTIONS. If you read and follow the installation instructions from start to finish, you shouldn’t have any trouble installing the software and should be up and running right away. Don’t skip steps.