Why should my company upgrade to BES from BIS? – There are many reasons why BES is better than BIS
For End-users
- Full 2-way sync of emails including sent items
- Reconcilliation of mail items with the mail server – i.e. delete on the Blackberry and it deletes on the mail server
- Full sync of calendar, tasks, contacts etc
- Address List Lookup – you can just lookup a contact rather than having to sync them to the device
- Wireless backup of all information on the device (provided BES 4.1 or later)
- Access to behind the firewall applications – e.g. intranet and more
For IT People
- Very easy to trouble-shoot compared to BIS – no reliance on 3rd party mail services
- Control – devices can be ‘wiped’ remotely, clearing them back to their straight out of the box status
- Remote access to IT infrastructure – with BES you’re behind the firewall..so being able to remote log onto servers enables IT admin from just the handheld