Thanks to: camaro322hp @ Blackberry Forums
1. Download and install the latest version of Desktop Manager (v 4.2 SP2).
The download can be found here: Make sure you download the following file (231MB, includes the Roxio Media Manager):
2. Connect the device to your PC via USB cable.
3. Run Desktop Manager.
3. Double click “Media Manager”
4. The Roxio Media Manager window open
5. In the upper left corner, click the folder icon, and navigate to the location of the video on your PC that you wish to transfer to the device. Select the video file in the upper right corner pan
6. In the bottom left corner, click the “My Devices” tab, and navigate to the proper “Videos” folder, either on the device memory or the media card
7. Drag the desired video from the upper right corner to the lower right corner (or simply select the desired video in the upper right corner and click “Copy Down”). You will see the following message box
8. Select “Convert for Optimal Playback”, click OK. You’re done!