Here is what you need to do in order to get BBWeather working on the 8100 / 8800: (this is only need at 1st start and will work fine after) 1. Click on BBWeather to open the application 2. You will get error that says: no weather profiles 3. Click on the trackball and select […]
Archive | BlackBerry Models
Voice memo
The Blackberry 8100 does not include a voice memo feature. But you can use the Send Voice Note app for a simple and quick way to input voice notes. Here’s what to do: 1: Make an address book entry with the first name of “Voice Memo”. Enter only a dummy email address into the Voice […]
Additional information on memory leaks on the 8100
Here is some information from **(wireless provider name removed)** that might be of use to some of us experiencing memory leak problems:(Thanks to BobRoss @ for collecting this information) RIM has identified a design problem with the way that controls within the media application have been implemented. In the media options (“Media Application” > […]
What type and size Media Card can I use in the 8100 / 8300 / 8800?
The 8300 uses a microSD card. The largest size you can use is 4gb The 8100 / 8800 uses a microSD card. The largest size you can use is 2gb Note: Some users have reported success using a 4GB MicroSD HC (HighCapacity) in the BB8800. You need recent software version (4.2.2)
What video and audio formats are supported??
Supported Video Formats MPEG-4 Part 2 (Simple Profile and bvop, including DivX 4) File formats – .avi, .3gp, .mp4, .mov Video – Up to 320 x 240, up to 800 kbps, up to 30 frames per second H.263 (Profile 0 & Profile 3) File formats – .avi, .3gp, .mp4, .mov Video – up to 320 […]
How do I make a customized ringtone for an email sender?
Actually there is a non-direct way. It involves creating a new Profile (you could name it for that contact, let’s say “Bob”). In that Profile, named “Bob”, set the ringtone for SMS, mail, phone, etc., that you want from that contact to notify you. Next, in your normal “active” profile (i.e., the profile you use) […]
8100 Disassembly
Disassembly of BlackBerry 8100 Instructions Written, and created by Tom Glogowski (Guess) of Important! Please be sure you have the proper tools for this disassembly, as well as a dust free environment you can create. I recommend that latex gloves be used to prevent fingerprints from showing on the lcd and other visible areas. […]
Why is my BlackBerry losing its call logs or message logs?
Having a large amount of images, ringtones and or games stored in the device may reduce available free memory. If the BlackBerry Pearl’s memory is at or near capacity the handheld will begin to delete the oldest Call Log and Text Message (SMS) entries in an effort to free up memory space. In order to […]
How do I encode video for the 8100 / 8300 / 8800?
There are a couple methods that have proven successful Method 1: Will output to an mpeg4 .avi file: Download the MPlayer encoder from here: You don’t need the codec pack for encoding to the proper format for the 8100 Then in an MS DOS window encode with: mencoder -vf scale=240:180 <input file> -o <output […]
How do I get BB Weather to work on the 8100 / 8300 / 8800?
Here is what you need to do in order to get BBWeather working on the 8100 / 8800: (this is only need at 1st start and will work fine after) 1. Click on BBWeather to open the application 2. You will get error that says: no weather profiles 3. Click on the trackball and select […]
7750 Disassembly
1. Flip unit over. Remove Battery Cover & Battery. 2. Using a Sharp tool (pointy knife worked for me) remove the four pads covering the Torx T6 Screws. 3. Unscrew the four Screws using a T6 Torx Bit. 4. You may now remove the rear cover. 5. Once the cover has been removed, you will […]
7290 Disassembly
Be sure to back up your data, if possible, before attempting this! You’ll need a Torx T-6 style screwdriver bit to open the Blackberry 7290 (and, presumably, anything else in the 72XX series)
7100 Device Models
The 7100 series BlackBerry is available from nearly every provider. Each phone includes the typical BlackBerry applications such as web browser, SMS, email, phone, MMS and SureType keyboard technologies to deliver a full and complete BlackBerry experience, but in a smaller, more traditional cell phone package. BlackBerry 7105t TMobile has introduced the 7105t for their […]
Disassembly of BlackBerry 7130G
Important! Please be sure you have the proper tools for this disassembly, as well as a dust free environment you can create. I recommend that latex gloves be used to prevent fingerprints from showing on the lcd and other visible areas. Be sure to remember the dissasembly steps, as you will need to put it […]