When I use Application Loader from with Desktop Manager, I get the error “No additional applications designed for your device were found.”
You must have your same handheld operating system loaded to your PC as is on your BlackBerry, when you attempt to load other applications. The handheld OS on your PC must match the handheld OS on your BlackBerry, or you will be asked to upgrade to the OS installed to your PC.
1. Find your current BlackBerry handheld OS on your BlackBerry by looking at Options > About. Normally the third line or the line that begins with “v.”
2. Find and download your OS here: Operating System Downloads Install it to your PC by double-clicking on the *.exe file which you downloaded, and allow the OS to install to your PC.
- Also, make sure you have downloaded and are using the most recent version of Desktop Manager.
NOTE: Some users confuse this to think that the version numbers on the BB OS and the Desktop Manager must match–that is NOT neccessary. It is a two step process with two separate downloads and installations to the PC. First, install Desktop Manager (came on your CD or you can download it from the link above.) Then, download and install to your PC the Handheld Operating System installation package. Make sure you download the matching OS that’s listed in your BB’s Options >About. If you download newer (higher number) version then the Desktop Manager will want to upgrade the OS (takes about an hour.) If you download older (lower number) version then DM may want to downgrade your OS (takes about an hour.)